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blog is not dead
I've decided to purchase my blog, but in english, to improve it. I know that probably anybody read that blog anymore, because i've left it completely more than two years, but I've found it quite funny, and I can't resolve myself to let it die.
well, that's strange to read my old articles about my life two years ago.... I have change so much, and in the same time, I haven't change.... really strange.
I'm studying Renaissance, still history, so, but now I do a master.... and Paris is behind me. I miss Paris, I mean, but I no longer live there.
I'm in love, too, and that's probably the biggest change in my life. I love somebody who loves me too, incerdible, no ????? for me, it is still, sometimes !!!
Well... difficult to write something really new and intersting with all blogs everywhere....
I'ld like to change the world, so difficult, so utopic ....I still love utopies, they are necessary.
thanks for reading me.
la sorcière du comptoir.
Ecrit par camomille, le Jeudi 3 Novembre 2005, 19:00 dans la rubrique nouveaux pas.